Vintage 80’s silk dress Urban Pep
Away form Rue de l’Université for a little break!
Vintage 70’s dress with pointed collar Urban Pep

Last week in my weekend in Paris, among the many things to do I decided to go to “Le Refuge des Fondues” a very intimate restaurant in Montmatre.
Compared to the last time fortunately I managed to find a place, two people were just leaving. The place is really cozy and graffiti-style line the walls.
The fixed menu is recommended, it cost € 21/person and you can ask for fondue savoyard or bourguigne (the beef is to be cooked in boiling oil) everything is accompanied by appetizers but especially white or red wine … in baby bottles!
Oh I forgot the tables are two and are aligned to the wall, so to sit you have to jump over the table!
Don’t worry someone will help you!
This is one of the restaurant you should try in Paris and you find it in 17 Rue des Trois Frères